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Water treatment plant manufacturer in India - https://www.advanceequipment.in/ Welcome to Advance Equipment & Projects Private Limited, a trusted name in the water treatment industry. We take immense pride in being a leading water treatment plant manufacturer and supplier in India, with a strong presence in cities like Delhi and Gurgaon. With a commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction, we provide advanced and sustainable water treatment solutions to diverse clients nationwide. »» [ Link Details for Water treatment plant manufacturer in India ] |
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Ballroom dance lessons Morristown, NJ - https://arthurmurraymorristownnj.com/dances-we-teach Discover the joy of ballroom dance at Arthur Murray Dance Studio in Morristown, NJ. Offering expert instruction for all levels, the studio provides a welcoming environment to learn and refine your dance skills. Join their classes and embrace the elegance and fun of ballroom dancing today! »» [ Link Details for Ballroom dance lessons Morristown, NJ ] |
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Ready for that long awaited Harvest season trip to Yountville? - Hill Family Estate - https://hillfamilyestate.com/ready-for-that-long-awaited-harvest-season-trip-to-yountville/ Not that there is ever a bad season to visit the Napa Valley. Each has its particular charms. Whether it is the bright splash of color from the mustard blossoms in February or the changing color of the leaves in October, there is always something to see. But here it is September and you find yourself looking to fill a day in Yountville. What to do? »» [ Link Details for Ready for that long awaited Harvest season trip to Yountville? - Hill Family Estate ] |
https://www.black-bear-roofing.com/ - https://www.black-bear-roofing.com/ Our Black Bear team is specialized and passionate in fulfilling our customers needs. We take great pride in offering high quality services worth your investment. Whether it is installing your new fence or replacing your roof, we are always honest and considerate of our customers. »» [ Link Details for https://www.black-bear-roofing.com/ ] |
JCBL Hand Tools - https://jcblhandtools.com/ JCBL Hand Tools is the manufacturer and exporter of high-quality hand tools designed to meet the diverse needs of professionals and enthusiasts alike. Our extensive range includes precision-crafted tools that offer durability, reliability, and superior performance. With a commitment to excellence, JCBL Hand Tools ensures that every product meets stringent quality standards, making us the preferred choice for those seeking top-notch tools for various applications. Please explore our website today! »» [ Link Details for JCBL Hand Tools ] |
The Woodlands Pool Builders - https://www.thewoodlandspoolbuilders.com Explore our website to learn more about our wide variety of services! Schedule your appointment today to embark on your journey to healthier, more vibrant skin. Your skin deserves the best - and so do you! »» [ Link Details for The Woodlands Pool Builders ] |
146 Kustom - https://www.146-kustom.com/ At 146 Kustom’s Jeep shop, we pride ourselves in being the most trustworthy and experienced team of mechanics in the area. We have been modifying Jeeps for years, and we have a passion for what we do. We only use the highest quality parts and we always stand behind our work, which is why we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. »» [ Link Details for 146 Kustom ] |
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AlphaNext Technology Solution - https://alphanext.tech/ AlphaNext Technology Solutions: Your Global Tech Talent Partner. We connect exceptional tech talent with innovative organizations worldwide. From technical recruitment and candidate sourcing to tailored solutions and global staffing, we empower businesses with top-tier expertise. Trust us to bridge the gap and unlock your recruitment potential »» [ Link Details for AlphaNext Technology Solution ] |
CPR Classes Near Me - https://cprclassesnearme.com/cpr-classes-and-certification/ Address: 9719 Lincoln Village Suite 503, Sacramento CA 95827, Phone No.: (813) 940-8787, Mail Id: [email protected], Website: https://cprclassesnearme.com/, CPR Classes Near Me utilizes local certified trainers to deliver the finest American Heart Association Certification CPR classes. We offer comprehensive same-day training and testing! Our CPR certification course provides training for resuscitating adults, children, and infants. Our classes demonstrate how to deal with airway obstruction, recognition of an impending emergency, and precise instruction in using an automated external defibrillator (AED). Contact us for more details about CPR Certification. »» [ Link Details for CPR Classes Near Me ] |
Property Manager For Airbnb - https://mcniecemanagement.com/ We are a full-service property management company for Airbnbs and other vacation and short-term rental properties. By handling the hosting process from start to finish, we help deliver a more stress-free experience for both our clients – and your guests. We want you to continue vacationing, working and going about your day as usual, while we handle everything you need for your short-term rental property. Our reach extends far and wide, covering various cities like Atlanta, Boston, Nashville, Dallas and Houston Texas, Louisville Kentucky, and Gainesville Florida. And we know these places, their attractions and their perks well – because we live and vacation there ourselves! So, look at us as your family, friends and neighbors helping you sustain a lucrative business with big returns all without the added stress of hosting. We handle 100% of the day-to-day operations of your Airbnb so you can enjoy the passive income without the headache. With professional photographers, cleaners, maintenance staff, and pricing experts on our team, you can rest assured knowing your property is in great hands. We’re always available in-person if you – or your guests – have any issues that arise mid-reservation. We are a team of real people who provide quick, intricate feedback and solutions to inquiries, maintenance requests and more – 24/7. Contact us to get started! »» [ Link Details for Property Manager For Airbnb ] |
Shenzhen Ibetter Technology Co., Ltd - https://www.heysongaudio.com/ Address:--- Room 604, Building 15, Guanlan Road 19, Xikeng Community, Fucheng Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518110 China :--- Contact us:--- +86 13554501932 :--- About us:--- Heysong is a team of music enthusiasts with a combined experience of more than 40 years in design, innovation, and development. We offer the best Bluetooth speakers, ANC headphones and TWS earbuds at an affordable price. As a brand, we're committed to helping people enjoy the best things in life in an enhanced and optimized way aided by technology. »» [ Link Details for Shenzhen Ibetter Technology Co., Ltd ] |
The products are widely applied in kinds of areas, like aviation, rail vehicle, buildings, paper machine, oil drilling, and other industries. - https://www.aluworkplatform.com/ Aluworkplatform is a subsidiary corporation of Halmt, who is specialized in kinds of aluminum work platform, walkway, ladder and other aluminum structures. The company occupies a standard workshop nearly 20000 square meters, there is total 180 employees, which including 25 engineers, annual production value of USD$16mollion. The products are widely applied in kinds of areas, like aviation, rail vehicle, buildings, paper machine, oil drilling, and other industries. Main products: Aircraft assembly work platforms Docking system for big commercial aircraft, military plane and helicopter Ground Support Equipment Electrical and hydraulic raise work platform for maintenance of rail vehicles at side, head, and on the roof. Kinds of access, walkway, ladder, platform applied in oil drilling, paper machine, pulp machine, large building, bridge inspection, engineering machinery, wind tower, hydropower station, public transportation etc. Advantages of our work platform: Made of aluminum alloy, with strong strength, light-weight, good-looking, and long service life. Possessed of many patented profiles, convenient transportation, easy assembly by bolts instead of welding. Combined with electrical system, hydraulic system, mechanical system, pneumatic system, and intelligentized system, to meet different requirements. Experienced engineers to offer you professional proposals. The products design comply with EN12312,EN ISO 14122,EN1915, MH/T3012,GB17888 and or other required standard, Aluworkplatform believes that the quality and design is the soul of an enterprise, due to the good quality and design, we have won a positive reputation from our customers, besides China, our products have been exported many countries like Romania, Chile, Russia, Australia, Singapore, USA, Oman, Hongkong, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Laos, Cambodia and so on. Give us a layout, we will do the rest works for you! »» [ Link Details for The products are widely applied in kinds of areas, like aviation, rail vehicle, buildings, paper machine, oil drilling, and other industries. ] |
Wholesale05.com: Top Wholesale Beauty Supply Distributors and Cosmetics - https://www.wholesale05.com Wholesale05 is the best wholesale beauty supply distributors sell cosmetics, makeup, nail art, skincare, makeup tools, hair, barber, and health from China online. We focus on providing a wide range of ultra-low wholesale prices and high-quality cosmetic-related products, enjoy one-stop wholesale cosmetics service here. »» [ Link Details for Wholesale05.com: Top Wholesale Beauty Supply Distributors and Cosmetics ] |
Sunwing Industries Ltd - https://www.sunwinggreen.com/ Sunwing, located in Daguang Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, specializes in manufacturing and exporting artificial plants, grass, and flowers. With a factory covering over 30,000 square meters and 200 machines in operation, we ensure timely and high-quality delivery of batch orders. Our artificial plants, including trees, flowers, grass, and foliage, are designed to look like their real counterparts and are commonly used for interior and exterior decoration in homes, offices, and public spaces. Additionally, we offer a range of accessories such as planters, frames, and other decorative items to complement our artificial plant products. Below are our most popular products and some key features. Artificial Hedges: They are often used as a decorative element in gardens, patios, or commercial settings. Artificial Plants: They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors to suit different decorative styles, and they are often used in homes, offices, hotels, and public spaces. Artificial Green Walls: They are typically made from a grid or panel system that holds the plants in place that offer a practical and aesthetically pleasing solution to enhance the visual appeal of any indoor or outdoor space. Artificial Grass: We have different kinds of synthetic turfs for leisure, landscaping and sports. These grass products are built to meet your specifications. Our products are made from 100% fresh raw materials, undergo strict quality control, and are highly customizable. They also have inherent UV protection, fire retardancy, and come with a 3-5 year warranty. Sunwing Industries Ltd has established a reputation as a leading manufacturer of artificial plants, and their products are sold in countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Southeast Asia. Whether you're a distributor, wholesaler, or reseller in the landscape, construction, or furniture accessories industry, we have the most valuable products for your business. »» [ Link Details for Sunwing Industries Ltd ] |
We are SingStar Tech, a professional LFP and NCM battery supplier. - https://www.singstarlithiumbattery.com/ Welcome to our website, my friend:) We are singzida tech, own the lithium battery brand “sing star”. Our factory is located in Shenzhen, and with 12 years of development, we have become a supplier and exporter of lithium batteries with an annual output value of $10 Millon, and export business mainly faces markets in Europe, the United States, and East Asia. We are committed to becoming one of the major suppliers and exporters of lithium batteries in China. From portable power stations, Energy storage batteries, electric bike batteries, LiFePo4 battery packs, etc., you can find the batteries you need in our broad product range! We focus on manufacturing NCM lithium and LiFePO4 batteries series, especially for portable power stations and energy storage batteries. High quality and performance plus the proximity to Shenzhen port reduce the export freight of products, competitive price with perfect service are the most important reasons for us to win customers’ favor! Our products are under standardized management, ensuring the consistency of quality and value, which is a critical element of providing excellent product series to the industry. We aim to meet and exceed these standards and always consider customer needs and budgets. »» [ Link Details for We are SingStar Tech, a professional LFP and NCM battery supplier. ] |
Wenzhou Hengtong Printing & Packaging Co., LTD - https://www.hengtongmachinery.com/ Wenzhou Hengtong Printing & Packaging Co., LTD is one of the earliest packaging manufacturing factories in China founded in 1987. Our first specialized machine is an envelope-making machine, producing Chinese-style envelopes and western- style envelopes. As one of the earliest envelope machine plants, we achieved great success and occupied a large share of this market. With the development of telecommunication, mail gradually became less important in daily communication. The envelop market shrunk a lot. Like other enterprises, we also had a rough time. »» [ Link Details for Wenzhou Hengtong Printing & Packaging Co., LTD ] |
Our main categories are beam saw machines, CNC panel saws, CNC sliding table saws,manual panel saws. - https://www.mjwoodmachine.com/ Our company is a manufacturer of computer panel saw, cnc panel saw, beam saw, edge banding machine, hinge drilling machine and other related woodworking machinery in China. We believe in the value of managing the manufacturing supply chain not only for machinery, but for the sales and service as well. This organization allows our team to be innovative in design, engineering and manufacturing, as well as remain accountable for the quality and durability behind the entire production line. With the help of modern manufacturing equipment and professional technician, our “MingJi †Brand products receive good reputation in China and across the world, in Asian countries like Japan, Thailand and Saudi Arabia, European countries like Italy, France and Russia, American countries like the USA and Argentina, and Oceania countries like Australia and New Zealand.Our manufacturing organization is driven to deliver the highest quality manufactured goods in the industry. Our good reputation comes from industry-leading innovation that has empowered us to produce good quality and best-performance machines in the world, while we are still maintaining an affordable price point. If you own our products, you will own round-the-clock after-sales service from us, with 1.5 year guarantee of the machines.Besides supplying quality machines, we also highly welcome OEM orders. »» [ Link Details for Our main categories are beam saw machines, CNC panel saws, CNC sliding table saws,manual panel saws. ] |
1688 shipforme - https://www.yeslogistics.com.my/buyForMe JASA BELI BORONG CHINA »» [ Link Details for 1688 shipforme ] |
Baoji Qinghang Metal Material Co. LTD - https://www.qinghangmetal.com/ Baoji Qinghang Metal Materials Co., LTD is located in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province. We have been producing titanium and nickel metal for over 15 years. Baoji city is the largest production and trading market in China. We mainly produce titanium metal bars, forgings, sheets, tubes, wires, Tee, to be here, flanges and fasteners and Titanium equipment According to customer requirements,You can provide the drawings and we can process them。 We can provide standards from different countries. AMS, ASTM, ASME, MIL, DIN, JIS specifications etc. We have exported to Germany, the United States, Italy, Egypt, Australia, New Zealand Germany, the United Kingdom. We will provide the best service and price. Hope to work together in the future. »» [ Link Details for Baoji Qinghang Metal Material Co. LTD ] |